By Morgan Lucas, original post here .
Here - don’t be dismayed.
The Graphical Way? Peering virtual networks, so virtual machines can talk to each other. The Powershell way? A bit more involved.
Today's Schedule:
The first hurdle was getting the command to work.
`*tion>rg=Paolin At line:1 char:39
Until I tried it in bash:
*rg = 32 az group create --name $rg --location eastus*
Some numbers are changed below.
{ "id": "/subscriptions/a78003f1-5023-7uf2-ae36-d07e6nm6d72f/resourceGroups/32", "location": "eastus", "managedBy": null, "name": "32", "properties": { "provisioningState": "Succeeded" }, "tags": null, "type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups" }
I made a new subnet, named it (Apps), addressed it, and tied it to a group:
`*m@Azure:~$ az network vnet create \
--resource-group $rg \ --name ERP-Servers \ --address-prefix \ --subnet-name Apps \ --subnet-prefix*`
There's a lot of return information:
I repeat it for the Databases subnet:
az network vnet subnet create \\ --resource-group $rg \\ --vnet-name ERP-servers \\ --address-prefix \\ --name Databases
The commands
look similar, but they are not - one has
subnet create
the other only
They are both in Resource Group 32, but have different address prefix allotments.
Finally; The Network Security Group.
az network nsg create \ --resource-group $rg \ --name ERP-SERVERS-NSG