By Morgan Lucas (she/her) from this video by Johnny Chivers
- Created publicly accessible, password-protected data base with Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL Compatibility to migrate to Amazon Dynamo DB
- Managed inbound rules of security group that limit access
- Used open source software HeidiDB to interact with database via a TCP/IP session and specific URL for DB (Not shown here for security)

- Connected to Aurora PostgreSQL Database
- Ran queries that deleted and created tables populated with new information
- Created publicly accessible replication instance to connect to our RDS to initiate database migration
- Created configuration endpoints with existing instance used to migrate database User_Data to Amazon DynamoDB
- Created role to talk to DMS (making sure to click the radio button beneath)
- Successfully connected target (endpoint) to instance (middleman to transfer data)
- Set up database migration task to move from Aurora PostgreSQL Database to Amazon DynamoDB
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